Sunday, December 6, 2009

SOS, MySpace Drama!?

I was adding a MySpace graphic to my space. I saved it. When i view profile, it was totally whacked up. It was half of my profile and half of "stranger" profile. Only my pictures and comments and blogs remained. The rest of the profile was basically filled with someone else's profile. Im really sure it is my account alrite! My friend suggested someone hacked into it. What went wrong?

It is so messed up, i have to reset all my stuff. I dont remember where i got my previous layout. It was white and green border. Can you please help me find a website with plain white layouts or any other solid colors. I prefer that it has no reference to the website (when i add it to myspace, i would not like to have a banner or any reference to the website i took it from).

Thank You.

SOS, MySpace Drama!?

i dont know, i dont think you got hacked though.

but just incase, change your password.

i just recently had my friends jacked up, it would go to comeone else's friends. i think it was just an interference.

if its all fixed now, then it was an interference.

otherwise, your getting hacked or the website from which you got your html graphics jacked up your profile, so i suggest you get rid of that html.

you can find good layouts by typing in "myspace layouts" on a search engine like google.




just experiment and explore.

or if your an html pro, you can make your own.

good luck.


SOS, MySpace Drama!?

one of the best places to get layouts is

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